Hyperboarding: From Aristotle to Brenda Laurel and on...
Heikki Salo
Armonkallion ATK ja estetiikka
P.O.Box 853
33101 Tampere
The essay was originally delivered as a three hour lecture in a Nordic seminar on novel storyboarding techniques. The seminar was organized by the Finnish Museum of Modern Art and Nordic Council in liaison with the ISEA 94 symposium in Helsinki.
1. Introduction & terminology
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Some terminology
1.3 Hyperdocument contents
1.4 Structural definition
1.5 Hierarchies, trees and stars
1.6 Universal access is easy
2. Hyperdocument contents
2.1 Aristotelian stories
2.2 Navigational paths
2.3 Aristotle's four causes
2.4 Tableau
2.5 Aristotle revisited
3. Conclusions
3.1 More stories
3.2 Moving pictures and tableaux
3.3 A space to explore?
3.4 Our world as we know it
3.5 Span of attention and degree of immersion
3.6 Insights from literary genres
3.7 Finally
4. References