4 References


(Aristotle) Aristotle, The Poetics. Bywater, Ingram (transl.) in Rhetoric and Poetics of Aristotle edited by Solmsen Friedrich. The Modern Library. New York. 1954.

(Brecht) Brecht, Bertolt. Brecht on Theatre. Willett, John. (transl.). New York. 1964.

(Eisner) Eisner, Will. Comics & Sequential Art. Poorhouse Press. Tamarac, Florida. 1994.

(Hall) Hall, Edward T. Hidden Dimension. Anchor Books. New York. 1982.

(Laurel 90) Laurel, Brenda. (ed.) The Art of Human Computer Interface Design. Addison Wesley. 1990.

(Laurel 91) Laurel, Brenda. Computers as Theatre. Addison Wesley. 1991.

(Maes) Maes, P. (ed.): Designing Autonomous Agents, Cambridge, Massachussets, MIT/Elsevier, 1991.

(Mynatt) Mynatt Elizabeth, Edwards Keith, Mapping GUIs to Auditory Interfaces.in UIST '92, Proceedings of User Interface Software and Technology. ACM Press. Monterey, California. 1992.

(Nelson) Nelson, Theodor Holm. Literary Machines. San Francisco. 1987.

(Shneiderman) Shneiderman, Ben. Reflections on Authoring, Editing and Managing Hypertext. Barrett Edward (ed.) The Society of Text, Hypermedia and the Social Construction of Information. MIT Press. 1989.

(Wittgenstein) Wittgenstein Ludwig. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Routledge & Kegan Paul. London. 1971.

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