(silver gelatine prints) 1994

  Photography Jari Arffman
  Camera assistant Juhani Vallikari
  Costume design Motelli Skronkle
  Make-up, transportation and arrangements Mia Ignatiew
  Models Hannu Raatikainen
Timo Kaaja
Eric Otieno Okwach
Akuffo Darko
  Laboratory and framing Asko Salminen

Ristiretki (installation) 1994

Versions 0.89 - 1.13 were installed in and for The exhibition of Electronic Arts in 1994, the exhibition was held in the Town Museum of Rauma (February), the City Museum of Turku (March-April) and Alvar Aalto museum in Jyväskylä (May-June) (version 1.13). Last appearance in Gallery Zone in January 1996.

An interactive installation combining photography scans, a conceptual table 'Les trois Ages du Regard' by Regis Débray and voices.

  Storyboarding and general design

Jari Arffman
Heikki Salo

  Digital manipulations, programming and media implementation

Heikki Salo


Esko Varonen
Markku Peltola
Hannu Raatikainen
Pirjo Moilanen

  Recording assistance

Petri 'Piikki' Vainionpää

  Sponsored by

Plan 1 Oy
Real Connection Oy

Crusade II (installation) 1997

The second installment was prepared for Rumpu ja kamera exhibition in Gallen-Kallela museum in Autumn 1997. Voices were dropped, multilingual table interpretations added and linking schemes partly rewritten.

  Storyboarding and general design

Jari Arffman
Heikki Salo

  Digital manipulations, programming and media implementation

Heikki Salo


Kaisa Alanen
Heikki Salo
José Santisteban
Leif Rantala
Takuya Karube
Mervi Pohjolainen

  Sponsored by

Media Virtual
Apple Computer Finland
JL -types Ky

  Special thanks Juhani Lehtiranta (guidance in the fontland)
    Takuya Karube (help with calligraphy software)
     Matti Nirkko (the all-important hardware)

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