cj hekxsa curriculum vitae - Work experience
Dates 2015 - 2016
Occupation or position held IT specialist
Main activities and responsibilities development, integration and maintenance of the information systems for both web and retail shops
Name and address of employer JPS-Import oy
Type of business or sector webshop, retail business
Dates 2006 -
Occupation or position held Artist, Designer, Visualist
Main activities and responsibilities digital content research, design and production
Name and address of employer Free Lance
Type of business or sector computer artist
Dates 2002 - 2006
Occupation or position held acting CEO
Main activities and responsibilities office routines, product planning, research, content production, planning and design
Name and address of employer Kyperjokki ay, Oulu, Finland
Type of business or sector Independent Consultant
Dates 2006, June - August
Occupation or position held Design Specialist
Main activities and responsibilities planning, design and programing of a conceptual educational game
Name and address of employer University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Type of business or sector Independent Worker
Dates 2005 - 2006
Occupation or position held Project Manager in a subcontracted video production for a multinational EU project
Main activities and responsibilities text preparation, directing, acting, French subtitling, project management
Name and address of employer Kyperjokki ay, Oulu, Finland
Type of business or sector Independent Worker
Dates 2003, March - June
Occupation or position held Project Manager
Main activities and responsibilities Mobile Air Guitar, project management, design and conceptualization of mobile content production chain for global fan community.
Name and address of employer Klaffi oy, Oulu, Finland
Type of business or sector Independent Worker
Dates 2001 - 2002
Occupation or position held Computer Specialist
Main activities and responsibilities project planning and research, program design, customer negotiations and agreement preparation
Name and address of employer Regex oy, Oulu, Finland
Type of business or sector Independent Worker
Dates 2001
Occupation or position held Project Planner
Main activities and responsibilities Multimedia Fast Lane project planning, background reseach, training and project network building
Name and address of employer University of Industrial Arts Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Type of business or sector Independent Designer
Dates 1997 - 1999
Occupation or position held project manager, designer, lecturer
Main activities and responsibilities project planning and management, research, planning and delivering teaching in virtual reality techniques and web oriented multimedia
Name and address of employer Media Science, Faculty of Arts, University of Lapland. Rovaniemi, Finland
Type of business or sector Independent Worker
Dates 1992 - 1998
Occupation or position held independent consultant
Main activities and responsibilities teaching, training, mentoring, researching and consulting
Name and address of employer Armonkallion ATK ja estetiikka, Tampere, Finland
Type of business or sector Private Entrepreneur
Dates 1991 - 1992
Occupation or position held Assistant Lecturer in computer art
Main activities and responsibilities project planning and management, research, planning and delivering teaching in virtual reality techniques and web oriented multimedia
Name and address of employer Polytechnical University of Tampere, Finland
Type of business or sector Independent Worker
Dates 1990 - 1991
Occupation or position held lecturer, researcher
Main activities and responsibilities research, planning and delivering teaching in virtual reality techniques and hypermedia application design
Name and address of employer Hypermedia Laboratory, University of Tampere, Finland
Type of business or sector Independent Worker
Dates 1985 - 1990
Occupation or position held lecturer in programming languages and methodologies
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer Department of Computer Science, University of Tampere, Finland
Type of business or sector Independent Worker
Dates 1983 - 1984
Occupation or position held Class Master
Main activities and responsibilities Class Master for the 3rd class in a public school
Name and address of employer Harju Primary School, City of Tampere, Finland
Type of business or sector Independent Worker
Dates 1980 - 1982
Occupation or position held Class Master
Main activities and responsibilities Class Master for a group of cognitively challenged preteen
Name and address of employer City of Valkeakoski, Finland
Type of business or sector Independent Worker